College Tours: 10 Quick Tips

From elementary school through high school, if you are eventually going to college, don’t wait until your senior year in high school to take a tour.  Start young!

Here are some quick tips to make the most of an impromptu tour THIS MONTH …

  1. Visit While in Session – The best time to visit a college campus is while it is in session.  Elementary, middle, and high schools are celebrating the Lincoln’s Birthday and/or  Washington’s/President’s Day this month, but many colleges are still in session.   (Spring Break is another excellent time to visit a college campus since many school breaks vary.)
  2. Choosing a College to Visit – For starters, pick the one closest to you.  Get a feel for what’s around you as a comparison for visiting other colleges.  Note what you like or dislike about that college – size, location, atmosphere, majors available, etc.
  3. Parking & Traffic – Plan ahead, start out early, and be patient.  Search information on visitor parking locations, parking fees, and how to pay for parking.
  4. Public Transportation – Does the school have access to the bus, trolley, train, or other forms of public transportation?  If so, try it out!
  5. Admissions Office – Whether you are planning a formal scheduled tour or not, call or stop by the college admissions office to pick up a map and other campus information.
  6. Library – Get a feel for their quiet areas.  How do college students study?  What resources does the library have to offer besides books?  Printer access?  Computers to use?
  7. Housing – Check out the dorms and nearby apartments.  Visit  the housing office to see if you can take a quick tour of a dorm room or apartment.
  8. Meals – Where to students on campus typically eat?  What variety of options are available to them.  Grab a bite for lunch and hang out with the local students.
  9. Campus Life – Check out the banners, posters, and flyers around school to see what’s going on.  Ask students what they like to do around campus.  Get a feel for life as a college student on that campus.
  10. Book Store – Before you leave, stop by the local book store for some souvenirs.  If you are a fan of that college, why not buy a T-shirt, banner, mug, or sticker to support your dream!


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