Don’t miss out on FREE money for college. I helped a client save $28,000 on college in 4 years just by completing the FAFSA! For the 2016 changes to FAFSA, read “Don’t Wait to File: Two Changes to the 2017-2018 FAFSA.”
FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is managed by the Department of Higher Education, and distributes about $80 billion financial aid each year.
Anyone wanting financial aid for college needs to complete the FAFSA. It is free and easy to complete. The application is used to determine the amount you or your family will be expected to pay towards college expenses. All federal grants and loans are determined by the FAFSA, and nearly all colleges use the FAFSA as the basis for their own financial aid awards.
As of October 2016, FAFSA processes have changed. Read “Don’t Wait to File: Two Changes to the 2017-2018 FAFSA” for more details on the two major changes. FAFSA should be completed in October for the following school year, and each year you are in college. Therefore, complete the FAFSA as early as October of your senior year of high school.
FAFSA Deadlines differ by state. For example, California’s deadline is usually MARCH 2 each year.
Planning for college can be daunting if you don’t have the right support to get you there. Save time, stress, and the headache with a life coach to help you through the process. If I can’t help you, I have access to resources that can.
If you’re ready to fill out the FAFSAnow, go for it!