5 STEPS: Create a Weekly Routine for Optimal Health

Our everyday lives are so busy and fast paced in this day and age, it makes it hard to distinguish one day from the next. But, having a daily routine in place for the whole family is great for the body, mind, and soul! Follow these tips to integrate your own weekly routine!

  1. Get the kids to bed early at the same time every night. Try starting a bedtime ritual like reading a book as a family before lights out. This will help to wind down and adjust more quickly to a new routine.
  2. Establish a consistent family dinner time. Research has shown that family dinners have been linked to lower risks of obesity, substance abuse, eating disorders, while helping to optimize learning. During dinner, have everyone share the best and worst part of their day. This is a great way for family members to connect.
  3. Dedicate time during the weekend to prepare for the week ahead. Once Monday rolls around finding time to prepare for the week can be difficult (or non-existent)! Do the laundry, plan the week’s meals, and get the grocery shopping out of the way. You’ll find you have more time during the week to focus on the needs of your family instead of those weekly chores!
  4. Get the family outdoors! In today’s world we spend too much time being sedentary: computers, cell phones, school work, office work, etc. Get outside to enjoy the last few hours of daylight. Encourage your family to use up the last of their energy so dinner and bed time are a breeze! Walk the dog. Play catch. Visit a park. Rejuvenate the whole family with some fresh air and sunshine!
  5. Make nutritious foods a part of every meal! You are what you eat! If you feed your family junk, they will look, feel, and act like junk! If you want a healthy, focused, and energetic family then offer nutritious foods to support that. Foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads and snacks, nuts and nut butters, hummus spreads, and unprocessed foods are great to keep your family healthy and strong!

Health Coach Cameron is a board certified Holistic Health and Weight Loss Coach. She received her training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2012 and has since helped many reach their health and weight loss goals through her innovative food and lifestyle coaching methods. Health Coach Cameron offers individual and group coaching, work place wellness and bridal weight loss programs, and a life changing 7-Day Whole Foods Cleanse. For Coach Karen’s readers only, redeem your FREE health consultation! During this consultation you will get clear on the top 3 things that are sucking the health right out of you! Contact Cameron at cam@HealthCoachCameron.com to schedule your appointment today!


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