Goal Tune-Up: The Mid-Year Six R’s

“The secret of getting thing done is to act!” ~ Dante Alighieri

Congratulations, you made it half way through the year!  Just like your car and your body, it’s time to do a “tune-up” of your 2012 goals to make sure you are still on target.  Here are 6 R’s for your mid-year goal “tune-up”:

  1. Review: If you haven’t looked at them since you created them, now is the time.  Place your goals in a prominent location to be seen on a regular basis.
  2. Refine: Are there goals that need to be modified, dropped, or added?  Make changes to fit your current progress, needs, and status.
  3. Rejuvenate: Celebrate when you have accomplished a goal, and honor the occasion.  This can include mini-celebrations for parts of goals completed.
  4. Refocus: Divide your remaining goals into blocks of time to help you refocus on goal priorities.  Think of your school/work schedule or special holidays to mark the time frame by which to focus on your goals.  This is a good time to focus on summer goals.
  5. Reconnect: Why did you set the goals you’ve set?  If you’ve forgotten or the reason has changed, it’s time to reconnect with the purpose of your goal.  For example, I am starting yoga to increase my flexibly which helps my body move easier giving me more energy to be more efficient leaving me time to spend with my family and doing other things I enjoy (phew!).  Therefore, my purpose for starting yoga is to be able to spend more time doing things I enjoy.
  6. Recalibrate: Are you so focused on your goals that you’ve forgotten to relax and have fun?  Then it’s time to set some fun goals with a “Summer Bucket List.”  If you’ve not been focused enough this year to make sufficient progress on your goals, then it’s time to review this past goal article for some tips.

Haven’t set goals for this year yet?  It’s not too late!  Want more tips to help set and accomplish those goals?  See this past article.

Don’t let this year slip by without making progress on what you really want in life.  Your success is the result of the choices you make.  If you want change in your life, it is time to start making different choices.  Good luck to your successes this year!


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