Saving the Kids, One Meal at a Time

Did you know that the average parent spends 38 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children? Any way you slice it, the declining role of parents in their children’s lives is a bad trend. Sharing food together has been a fundamental bonding ritual for humans since the beginning of time. When children grow up without eating family meals, they’re much likelier to struggle with drugs, alcohol, and weight problems. Eat dinner with your family at least 5 nights a week, and watch your family life transform!

5 Family Meal Facts:

Teens that eat family dinners with their family at least 5 nights per week:

  1. Receive twice as many A’s in school
  2. Are 32% less likely to try cigarettes
  3. Are 45% likelier to never have tried alcohol
  4. Have a 24% less chance of smoking pot
  5. Are much less likely to have eating disorders

5 Things that happen at Family Meals other than Eating:

  1. Children bring up an average of 6 topics
  2. Adults model manners, adult conversation, and healthy eating habits.
  3. Stories are exchanged: families learn about each other
  4. Parents can oversee what their children are eating, and how much
  5. A family tradition is formed – that will be remembered for each family member’s lifetime

To fully benefit from meals, follow these guidelines:

  1. Keep conversation lighthearted and positive. This is not a time for confrontations, arguments or serious talks.
  2. Turn the TV off. This is a MUST.
  3. Don’t allow phones at the table – adults or children’s phones.

So there’s just one more thing left to ask: What’s for Dinner?


Jessica Barna is an consultant and speaker, focusing on empowering families to sit down at the table together.  She runs Meet Me at the Dinner Table in San Diego, CA.  She is also offering a FREE Holiday Meal Planning Guide to help you have an organized, stress-free holiday gathering or meal this year!  Here is the link where they can print the FREE PDF! –


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