9 Inspirational Tips to Keep You on Track

Many of us have set fitness and weight loss goals this year.

If you’ve stumbled or run into roadblocks along the way…DON’T GIVE UP!

Here’s 9 Great Inspirational Tips to keep you on track:

1) Set Realistic Fitness Goals: If you’ve set unrealistic large goals, it can be very overwhelming, and you are more likely to fall off the wagon. This doesn’t mean you can’t eventually accomplish a large goal. Think about setting your goal plan to a smaller scale. For instance, make reasonable small goals that will lead up to your main goal, (such as lose 5 pounds in 4 weeks, or finish a 5K in a month, etc.) Please, consult your Coach if you need some help setting some realistic goals.

2) Get Pumped: Always go back to your original goal and keep that in focus. Try to remember that where you will be in 6 months has everything to do with what you are doing now!

3) Get Inspired by Others Success Stories: Look to others who succeed. Watch weight loss shows like “The Biggest Loser.” Or check out some Fitness Magazine articles. Surround yourself with success and you will be successful.

4) Reward Yourself: Reward yourself without giving in to your previous vices, or throwing your healthy diet out the window. Try MASSAGE! It’s amazing, and recommended for better performance and injury prevention! Other forms of rewarding yourself might be a movie night out, or get yourself a new book, or maybe go to the next tip: number 5!

5) Buy New Workout Gear: This gets me every time! Once I buy a pair of kicks, I can’t wait to lace em’ up and take them for a few test drives!

6) Find a Workout Buddy: You are more likely to show up for your Saturday workout if someone is expecting to sweat with you. You are also more likely to stick to a program when you exercise with a friend!

7) Try a New Physical Activity: Open your mind and don’t be afraid of the unknown. You may discover new things that bring you joy! Go hiking, take a dance class, or go for a bike ride. You may love it!

8 ) Sign Up for a Race: Registering for a 5K Run, Sprint Triathalon, or Obstacle Course Race is a great motivator. Not only are we all inherently competitive, but it gives us a deadline to work towards. The proceeds benefit a good cause, and they are super FUN!

9) Get your Mind Right & Lose the Excuses: We have all heard the saying, “misery loves company.” If you are a “Debbie Downer” you are only hurting yourself, keeping yourself from achieving your goals and reaching your full potential. Eliminate all of those negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Positive Energy is a must for success!

REMEMBER…You can accomplish anything with the right attitude, hard work, & dedication. Your friends at SGO Fitness are here to support you every step of the way!


Sean & Sarah Gogarty, founders of SGO Fitness, are dedicated to helping you achieve success in fitness and weight loss. Their programs and bootcamps are based on energy, enthusiasm and support. Their 2012 business goal is to help their clients lose over 2000 pounds and achieve 10 personal bests in competitive events. Visit www.sgofitness.com for more info and a free trial!  Check out their “Mission Thin Possible” 90-day weight loss adventure starring August 6th!


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