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Know the Facts

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Mental health challenges are more common than you think. In fact, one in five adults experiences a mental illness

Summer Bucket List

Cast a Net on Those Dreams Have you ever had a summer end and realized you didn’t get time to clean out that closet or

8 Tips for High School Grads

Congratulations to all of you high school graduates! When I graduated from high school, I did the only thing I knew to do. I went

Honoring the Title of Dad

A month ago, I attended the memorial service for a dear friend of the family who was commonly referred to as “Grandpa John.” He was

Owning Your Happiness

As I reflect on the coming summer solstice, I think about the joy summer brings in my household. The anticipation of long, warm days, vacations,

Seasons of Our Lives

Like my backyard and the seasonal changes that effect and support growth, we all have seasonal changes in our lives that impact our own growth.

Midyear Goal Tune Up

A year ago, on July 1st, I stood in my backyard and declared 2 goals, and I did it on Facebook Live. Those two goals

5 Tips to Live Life Simply

This month has been a busy one for me. I just spent five days on vacation with friends in Oregon. I came home for one

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