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Day: October 24, 2019

Make the Grades: Stress Less for Tests

For teens and 20-somethings today, stress has become an increasing problem. Preparing for and taking finals, with pressure to review, complete projects, and get good

Spring Cleaning Your Home

A few years ago, my sister-in-law gave me a book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. At the time, the 4

Technology and Relationships

When people find out I am life coach who works largely with teens, they often ask me what the biggest challenge is working with young

Stop Stress with a Belly Breath

Stress is a natural reaction to our physical environment. It triggers a fight-or-flight response, and prepares our bodies to react; our muscles tense, our heart

Let’s Talk About Stress

As a life coach who has given workshops on stress over the last 25 years, I am always confronted with clients who need ways to

Honoring Mom

Do you know what this Sunday is? Well, if you are in the Unites States AND know of a mother special to you (Hint: this

How Honest are You?

Famous American singer-songwriter, Billy Joel once sang that “honesty is such a lonely word,” suggesting that honesty is a very rare quality in all kinds

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